The operation involved removing the back side (spinus processes) of five vertebrae, C-3, C-4, C-5, C-6, and C-7, which were then stabilized with screws and rods, as was the T-1 vertebra. The objective: first open up and widen the spinal canal to remove pressure on the spinal cord and to allow it to float freely in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); second, to fuse the vertebrae and strengthen the spinal column with new bone and rigid titanium on either side of the bone cuts. A section of my hip was harvested to create a bone graft to reinforce the screws and rods. The short video below, courtesy of Veritas Health, shows how it's done. You can read the operation report here. (below: at left, face on post-op x-ray showing hardware; at right, pre-op x-ray)
